Tuesday, September 13, 2011

STARKIST Yellowfin Tuna in Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Yellowfin Tuna in Extra Virgin Olive Oil
tuna brandMost tuna is packed with "vegetable broth" (check the label). More often than not, the vegetable used in that broth is soybean. (much like the vegetable in "vegetable oil" is most commonly soybean)  Even though the allergens listed on a can of tuna do not list soy, MSPI nurslings can have an adverse reaction to the trace amount of soy protein in packaged tuna.  Don't shoot yourself in the dairy/soy free foot (or breast! ha!) by buying the wrong tuna.  Educate yourself!  And go forth and buy soy-free tuna!

Look for tuna packaged in olive oil instead of vegetable broth


  1. Do you have any suggestions on a mayo that can be used with this tuna that meets dairy and soy free needs?

  2. Do you have any suggestions on a mayo that can be used with this tuna that meets dairy and soy free needs?
